Sunday, March 26, 2006

Day 6 - Friday 17 March 2006

Joatka -Gargia - 50kms

Today is our last day of sledging and one we have been thinking about all week. In one of our briefings, Sid told us that Friday would be a difficult downhill journey on a winding path through the trees. Per Thore told us last night to be careful with the bends and to keep a good distance from the sledge in front. If we heeded this good advice, we would make it to the bottom without any mishap. Hmmmmm......

I am up at 6am to help with the dogs after a fantastic night's sleep for me and a night of snoring for the others.

Phil mixing dog food Posted by Picasa

I go and see the horses again. How I would love to ride one of them and experience the unique gait, known as the 'tolt' that Icelandic ponies have. The owner of the settlement has very friendly dogs each with its own neat kennel.

We are away from this beautiful place by 0930. The sun is shining as we travel over lakes and past rocky outcrops.

The journey back to Gargia Posted by Picasa

Everyone is quiet again today and the only sound is the pad, pad, pad of the dogs and a gentle panting. My team is pulling well but I can feel they are getting tired. We travel on the flat for a while passing through the village of Destica which has a famous quarry. The stone is used for roof tiles, floors and fire surrounds and is exported all over the world. Finally we come to the famous downhill section which I have been both dreading and looking forward to.

It requires a lot of concentration and hanging off the edge of the sledge to keep it upright. Everything is going really well until Jane takes a sharp bend to the left and topples over. David Wilson, in front of me, brakes suddenly on a hump next to a tree and I in turn slam right into him. Jane has recovered her sledge and is off again. Everyone behind is shouting to me to overtake David but our sledges are jammed together. I manage to hoist my runners from underneath his with the help of Phil, but by now the dogs are going mad. The sledge gets free and I am taken down the hump and around the bend at top speed and then over we go. Per Thore shouts 'Get back on!' Dave Butler helps me get my sledge up. I throw down the anchor and stand with all of my strength on the brake as David Wilson races past me. I pull up the anchor and off we go chasing David. What excitement! It's all too much so we stop for lunch and then continue onto Gargia.

Looking smug after ramming Dr Wilson up a tree! Posted by Picasa

I unharness my faithful, friendly but tired dogs and put them back on the chains. I
unpack my sturdy sledge and put it neatly next to all the others. There is going to be a group photo and the girls are asked to pick their favourite dogs and sit in the front row with them. I pick the grey and black bitch. I could put her in my bag and take her home.

The dogs back on line enjoying a well earned rest. Posted by Picasa

The sledging trip is over. It has been one of the best experiences of my life. At dinner later that evening, Sid and Per Thore tells us that we are the best group they have ever had for mucking in with the jobs and getting ready quickly.

I would like to do this again and I know others would too.

The sledging trip is over but we have a few recreational activities including a hot tub, a visit to an Ice Hotel and snow mobile safari.

Gargia Posted by Picasa

Tomorrow we will fly back to Heathrow and have to adjust to life and work at home with no dogs and no snow. It'll be hard.

Alaska and Toffee - my two faithful friends Posted by Picasa


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